How do I complete my timesheet on LMS?

Locum Management Systems Ltd

How do I complete my timesheet on LMS?


Once you have completed a booking and worked a shift you will be required to complete the associated timesheet. You need to have a valid login to LMS to do this. If you are having problems accessing LMS then follow these instructions HELP! - I can't login to LMS


Once logged into your LMS account follow the instructions to submit your timesheets for authorisation

Entering my timesheet
  • Select the Timesheet tab and the Actionable timesheets from the dropdown list. These are timesheets that require intervention on your part to ensure you will be paid for the shift

  • Selecting All on the status dropdown will list every timesheet whether completed or not. If you know the booking number you can enter in the filter box but proceed it with b: , for example b:323445 will show the timesheet for the booking 323445

  • Selecting the Show button will display the full shift details

  • Next select which shifts you attended. Breaks are automatically added based on working time directives. You may add any additional comment you wish to make about the booking that an authoriser may find useful

  • If you did not attend the shift select 'No'

  • Once the shift details have been updated, it maybe an requirement of the Trust you are working with to upload an electronic copy of the signed timesheet. If you have been provided this document, it can be uploaded by selecting the Upload button shown above

  • Once you are satisfied with the completion of your timesheet you need to make the following declaration before submitting the timesheet.

  • Click on the I agree with the declaration red cross and click the Submit button. Your timesheet will then go through the approval process with your Trust.

  • LMS is a technical support team to assist with using the system and cannot deal with your booking queries or payment queries, these should be directed to your Trust or Agency.

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