Locum Management Systems Ltd
How do I accept terms and conditions?
You may have received a booking confirmation from your Trust or Agency. Before you are eligible to submit timesheets and be paid, you must accept the Terms and Conditions of the booking. Below are the steps you need to take
Login to LMS via the Candidate Portal with your login details. If you are having problems to login click Here
Select the
tab to view all shifts associated with you bookings
By default a selection of 'Actionable' timesheets will be displayed. These are timesheets that require you to either complete or accept the terms and conditions of.
If you wish to see all Timesheets for all bookings, select the 'All' option from the dropdown list.
Click on the view and agree booking terms button shown below
Click 'Next' button below to go through each page of the terms to show you have read it fully, then click confirm once each page has been read.