If you forget your username or password please select either “forgot username” or ”forgot password” so you can get to any of the following pages.
Once you have entered your email the following screen should appear and you should be able to change your username/password via the link sent to the email.
At a glance
Selecting the bars will allow you to change to “Home”, ”Jobs”, ”Shifts” and “Notifications”.
You are able to select a job by pressing on the job.
Pressing the refresh icon in the bottom right will refresh the page and will update anything that has changed.
You can be more specific when looking for a job by applying filters to the page.The filter can be found on the job/shift page or in the bars.
When looking at a job you are able to view the pay per hour, the dates you will be required to work, a brief description of the job and a map feature that allows you to see in google where the hospital is located.
Once the job has been booked you will get the following message at the top of your screen.
When going onto the shifts tab you will be presented with the image below.You are only able to select one shift from each date.For example you can not select two shifts for the 18th August only one.
You are able to see some details of the shift such as times, location and the title of the job.
When selecting shifts you are able to select more than one from different dates.If the “review and book” button is pressed it will take you to a confirm booking page.
Once you have been taken to this page the system will make it reserved for you.This will last around five minutes till the job becomes no longer reserved.
Once the time is up the following message will appear at top of your screen however you still are able to confirm the booking.
After you confirmed the booking you will be presented with the terms and conditions that will need to be signed in order for the booking to be sent to the trust.