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How To Resolve A Booking Clash
2. The trust needs to edit/remove the shift you are trying to book according to the times of the clashing shift. (see example below) 3. The Agency can then reconfirm the job you are trying to book as the clash has been cleared. |
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Example Booking ClashA user is trying to book job 1940511 but as you can see below it has clashed with 1940395 because of overlapping times. In this example Job 1940511 Mon 29/08/22 00:00-10:00 is clashing against Job 1940395 29/08 09:00 - 09:00 . As you can see the shift on 1940511 ends at 10:00 and the shift on 1940395 starts at 9:00, this will cause a clash because the shifts overlap. | ||||||||
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